Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Pendleton youngsters embark on crime spree

Two daycare attendees escaped their minders in April 1984 and engaged in a miniature crime spree that covered miles of territory in Pendleton.

Joyce Olsen of Olsen's Day Care Center on Southwest Goodwin Avenue in Pendleton called local police at about noon on April 4, 1984, to report two 5-year-old boys had apparently jumped the fence at the center and were missing. At 1:34 p.m., a manager at Safeway, contacted Pendleton police to report he had two "culprits" in custody.

The manager said the boys had first walked to McDonald's, a mile from the day care center, and romped at the fast food restaurant's Play Place before walking to Melanie Square, another three-quarters of a mile. At Payless the pair had filled a shopping cart with toys and then wheeled it across the street to Safeway, where they added food items to the cart until it was overflowing. They also absconded with change from an Easter Seals collection jar.

A cake the youngsters knocked off a counter in the Safeway bakery cost one of the boys' fathers $14.

According to the police report, "After being apprehended, the culprits attempted to con the arresting officer into buying them hamburgers at McDonald's."

The con was unsuccessful.

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